Hello InReachers!

We are rapidly approaching the time of the year where many of us travel across the country to attend annual conferences, such as the Association of Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA), the American Association of Medical Society Executives (AAMSE), and the National Association of Bar Executives (NABE). These conferences continue to offer the latest in terms of meaningful ideas to help organizations create effective strategies and apply them to their continuing education programs.

They also provide numerous networking opportunities for attendees to create lasting relationships between various organizations, as well as the opportunity for InReach to meet with many of our partners in person, something we always look forward to! The core goal of InReach is to do everything in our power to ensure our partners are in the best position possible to succeed with their online continuing education. We are only successful if you are! These meetings allow us to collaborate with you, and ensure we are providing the necessary software & services to help you achieve your business goals!

Another benefit for InReach to sponsor & attend these conferences is the opportunity to form new partnerships with organizations that desire to deliver online continuing education, and you have the ability to help us. We believe word of mouth referrals tend to have the highest likelihood of a successful partnership, as they provide a personal touch for the listener. You all understand the different dynamics in what it takes for an organization to provide continuing education to members and/or learners, and who better to promote InReach to prospective organizations than our current partners?

Some studies show that over 90% of the participants prefer brand recommendations or suggestions from friends over traditional marketing. This is a great example of showing the effectiveness a referral can have from someone you trust. A strong referral or recommendation has the potential to lower:

  • The time it takes to research potential solution providers
  • The energy expended on the investigation process for a solution provider
  • The chance of lost opportunities by working with a solution provider that understands your needs and goals to provide online continuing education

If you know of organizations that provide online continuing education and are not already partners with InReach, feel free to discuss with them the benefits you experience through a partnership with InReach.

Thank you for your continued partnership with InReach, and we hope to see all of you at the upcoming conferences!


Glenn Matthews, Senior Account ExecutiveGlenn Matthews, Product Manager