At the time of this writing, our new Customer Module has not yet been fully deployed; however, by the time you read this you’ll hopefully have had the chance to use it in your day-to-day work of managing your learners’ continuing education. When I gaze into my InReach issued crystal ball (we ran out of tea leaves, so it must do), I see droves of happy administrators working away with a more user-friendly, streamlined set of administrative tools. Of course, the future is not always certain, and if there is feedback you’d like to share with us on how we can improve the new Customer Module, please let us know! If any of you haven’t yet worked in the new Customer Module, be sure to check out our Customer Module training.
Speaking of the future, what’s next on the agenda for the HTML5 conversion of our administrative tools? Products. This section of the InReach admin is by far the most complex and impactful when it comes to delivering your continuing education products, so our Engineering team has spent countless hours in meetings recently (making me glad I made a career choice of working with clients) to ensure we move forward on to this next phase with the utmost care with the goal of delivering another solid module. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of the Products Module, and again, we greatly appreciate your patience as we continue to make progress overall in this immense undertaking.